The Detox Diet – 10 Top Tips For Healthy Shopping

By: revoe

The Detox Diet – 10 Top Tips For Healthy Shopping

Article by Sandy Halliday

Have you decided that you are going on a detox diet but don’t quite know how to get started? Have you decided to make a start on a detox program or plan but are finding it difficult? Pleasure is not a word we associate with detox diets nor diets or any sort but you can make life a lot easier on your self by following these 10 top tips for healthy shopping.

1) Plan your meals in advance and make a list. This is likely to save you time and money and ensure you have all the ingredients to start on your chosen detox plan or you might not get started.

2) Do not shop when hungry, stressed or in a rush. If you shop when hungry unless you are strong willed you might be tempted to buy something that is not on your list to keep you going. Have a healthy bar or handful of nuts handy if you think you will be sidetracked.

3) Buy the basic store cupboard items once a week and fresh fruit and vegetables at least twice a week. Fruit and vegetables loose nutrients the longer they are stored. Five portions of fruit a vegetables a day is the minimum to aim for.

4) Buy a good variety of vegetables and fruit and look for the freshest. Try to buy things that are in season and are locally sourced. Try things you don’t normally eat, you might be pleasantly surprised.

5) Look for organic where possible. Buying staples like organic brown rice or other grains, carrots and potatoes as a minimum. Grains and carrots are notorious for sapping up toxins from the ground. Buy free range meat and fish from relatively unpolluted waters if you can’t get organic.

6) Avoid the cake and cookie displays so you are not tempted.

7) Try some different grains (really seeds) such as millet, amaranth, quinoa and buckwheat. They are gluten free and not so taxing on the digestion. They release carbohydrates slowly helping to keep your blood sugar balanced. They supply fiber, B vitamins, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron and selenium. Fiber rich diets can halve the risk of breast cancer.

8) Try some vegetarian meals based on beans and lentils in place of animal proteins. Soak well in pure water overnight before cooking. Introduce them gradually if you are not used to them as they can cause digestive problems for some people.

9) Look out for healthy alternatives to cereal bars which are often high in sugar and hydrogenated fats. Look for wheat free bars with natural fruit juice sweeteners.

10) Avoid all ready meals and processed foods. Besides being stripped of many nutrients they often contain unhealthy fats, artificial sweeteners, petroleum derived preservatives, MSG and other additives which may be harmful to your health.

By following my 10 top tips you will be eating food that is bursting with super nutrients that will help you feel good, look younger and help prevent disease. You could even lose some weight if that is your goal. Take charge of your health now!

For much more information about detox request my brand new Free Reportat

(c) Sandy Halliday 2007

About the Author

Sandy Halliday, a former nurse, is a nutritionist and health researcher with over 20 years experience with many different types of detoxification. She is passionate about the role of nutrition and detoxification for the prevention of illness and aging as well as the improvement of many health conditions. She is the author of a new eBook The Definitive Detox Diet

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