Cleanse Lemonade Diet

By: revoe

Cleanse Lemonade Diet

Article by Mike Misty

Firstly, as we know, the original master cleanse lemon diet is a juice fasting regimen which requires you to drink ONLY a liquid concoction made with lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper (mixed all together with distilled water). The diet should last for 10-days minimum and no other food is allowed. Its purpose is to cleanse the body from years of accumulated toxins and bad bacteria, and also to lose weight quickly along the way.

Researches were done by a group of medical experts that lemons have specific ingredients that possess cleansing properties that can cleanse, disinfect and sanitize our bodies internally and externally. That, lemons contain special elements present in the peel or even in the pulp of the fruit that could kill bacteria, fungus and other living cells which are harmful to our health.

The lemonade diet also known as the detox diet is a fasting program you follow for a certain number of days usually 3-10 days. The goal of the program is to remove toxins that have accumulated in the body.These toxins drain the body of energy. The lemonade diet has been around for over a 100 years but has just recently come back into vogue. Many followers of the lemonade diet report losing 1-2 pounds a day during the first 3-10 days of the diet. Then you can expect to lose about 2-4 pounds a week.

In addition to the ten daily servings of lemonade, you will also drink an herbal laxative tea each evening, and a saltwater flush (made from 2 tsp of sea salt added to a quart of warm water) every morning. The laxative tea, made from an herb called Senna, and the saltwater flush are meant to help your body rid itself of more toxins. You are also allowed to drink a small amount of peppermint tea.

The main ingredients in this diet supplement pill consist of Lemonade Complex, Detoxification Complex, and Metabolic Complex. The Lemonade Complex is the core of the supplement, with its weight loss enhancing potential. The Detoxification Complex is a mixture of herbs that help the body rid itself of toxins safely and gently. The Metabolic Complex ingredients work to boost the body’s metabolism to promote weight loss and burn fat.

You can try diet pills, but without scientific study, the weight loss claims are questionable and they may contain harmful chemicals. Many diet pills have been withdrawn from the market because they contained dangerous substances that could cause more harm than good. So what do you do to lose weight? Water with lemon has been show in studies to assist in weight loss, so try the Lemonade Diet.

The basic steps to this popular diet involve drinking fresh-squeezed organic lemons, water, organic maple syrup and organic cayenne pepper. This is consumed consecutively for 10 or more days without food. Additionally, a daily salt water flush and/or an herbal laxative tea are also advised.

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