The Detox Diet Explained

By: revoe

The Detox Diet Explained

Article by Gaetan Ross

Drug and alcohol dependency used to be the only context you would hear the word detoxification mentioned in. It was used to help addicts overcome their addiction back then and is in fact still used today; nevertheless, there are many more uses for the program including improving health. That is why many people are choosing a detox diet.

If you want to totally rid your body of chemicals or toxins, you are probably looking for a systematic guide for a detox diet. There are several of these plans available however; you will find they vary a bit. You may be wondering why and the truth is a detox diet comes in many formats. A simple search of the World Wide Web for the words “detox diet” will give you thousands of results. The question you may want answered is likely which is best. This really depends on you and your preferences.

It is important, when choosing your detox diet plan, to keep the goal of detoxification in mind. The main goal of this type of cleanse is to get rid of dangerous toxins from the body. You may think you are pretty safe from toxins if you do not consume alcohol or drugs, but the truth is you can still have toxins in your body. Certain studies have shown recently that even your water may have more than just fluoride in it.

You must choose your foods wisely since the overall goal of your detoxification is to cleanse your body and make it pure. The first step is to consider the foods and drinks you are currently putting into your body. Does your day begin with a cup or more of coffee and conclude with at least one soda? You must remember that caffeine should be taken only in moderation; of course, it is not a substance your body has to have so eliminating it is fine too. During your detox, you should eliminate it even if you plan to pick it back up afterwards.

Caffeine addiction is very real but many people also need the taste of the soda or coffee. This is a very common occurrence when flavored coffee or soda is drunk. You can ease the transition by trying all natural juice instead. Perhaps you could invest in an all-natural juice maker so that you can create 100% natural drinks. Water is of course your best choice, but people like a little flavor sometimes and juice is the natural choice.

Toxins must be expelled from the body to be eliminated. For this reason, high fiber foods are recommended. Fiber is the one substance that easily regulates the digestive system. With extra fiber in your diet, you will make regular stops at the bathroom; however, they should not be excessive. Water in addition to fiber will also help flush the body completely.

As we said above much of the food that is consumed today is full of chemicals and additives. Generally, there is only a minute amount in any one food, but these are not substances that the human body needs to function correctly. This is the reason most detox diets will tell you to eliminate them completely. Elimination of the food you eat that contains added preservatives or chemicals is one of the best ways to detox your body. A quick search on the internet will show you that many detox diets recommend organic food.

If you are on a budget, the idea of organic foods may be a bit daunting even if they are a great way to detoxify. There is no way around it these types of foods do cost more; nevertheless, with a little diligence you may be able to score some decent food at a good price. There are many boxed foods that are all organic but do not forget about the fruits and vegetables, they may be a bit cheaper. Besides vegetables and fruits, have natural health benefits as well.

Finally, let’s look at the average length of a detox diet. This will vary depending on the method you choose. There are some detox plans that call for a bare three days while others extend for weeks and even a month. The average falls somewhere in-between at about ten days. With that being said, you should listen to your own body for clues to the appropriate period. A complete 10 day detox diet may simply be too much for you right now, pay attention to your body and if need be start transitioning back to regular foods. You can always simply keep a few of the elements of the detox diet alive, such as reducing caffeine intake or eating organic food.

About the Author

Discover The Right Way and the Wrong Way to Cleanse Your Body of Potential Toxins and ‘Sludge’ and Find The Ways to Show Those Toxins the Door.

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