A Simple Natural Body Detox Only Takes A Change Of Diet

By: revoe

A Simple Natural Body Detox Only Takes A Change Of Diet

Article by Magssno

There are thousands if not tens of thousands of natural body detox programs advertised on the market today. Whilst a large percentage do contain only natural ingredients – usually herbal, there are a huge numbers which contain purely synthetically produced chemicals. It is understood that over time the chemical varieties may cause health problems. With this in mind it is always wise to check that the product you buy is completely natural – better to be safe than sorry!

However, there is a way to detox your body without the need for any pills or potions, synthetic or natural. The best natural body detox of all can be achieved simply through diet, where you have complete control over what you consume. It is important to point out at this stage that some of the detox diet programs which are given a lot of publicity by the press like for example the cabbage soup diet can be dangerous if followed for a prolonged period. Like every other type of diet, with a natural detox diet common sense should prevail.

For a natural body detox a vegetarian diet is actually a fantastic option. The use of fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains, lentils and beans are great for encouraging the body to get rid of waste from the colon because of the fibre they contain. They are also rich in essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which help the body revitalise and cleanse the colon and other major organs.

One of the major risks with any detox plan is the greatly reduced amounts of certain nutrients. Quite often people who follow a natural body detox diet cut out important food groups from their diet, in particular meat and dairy. This may lead to deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals like protein and calcium to name a couple of the common ones. The vegetarian diet rectifies this by including nuts and seeds, small portions of fish can also be added to help the protein intake. Calcium is found in many vegetables, particularly the green leafy type like for example cabbage, kale and Chinese leaves.

The fibre present in a natural body detox diet will only successfully help in the cleansing of the colon however, if it is accompanied by an increased water intake. This is essential to bulk up the fibre and allow the body to expel the waste through the colon and eliminate it more efficiently. The recommended amount of water which is needed is around 8 glasses per day.

Whilst a natural body detox diet is completely safe when followed in a sensible manner. The exclusion of major food groups from the diet for prolonged periods is not a good idea and as I stated before this can cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies which, in turn may possibly result in illness. Only follow such diets for a short time and always seek advise from your doctor before you begin.

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